Monday, October 21, 2013

The Navy once envisioned building

The Navy once envisioned building more than 20 of the ships. But the ship has so many sophisticated features and its cost grew so high that senior Navy officials tried to kill the program. Instead, it was truncated to just three ships, the first being Zumwalt.The Zumwalt will cost more than $3.5 billion -Fashion Dresses about three times that of current destroyers - but the program has not been beset by big cost overruns or delays, officials said.The fact that construction has gone smoothly is a relief for the Navy, which has dealt with embarrassing troubles on its new class of speedy warship, dubbed the "littoral combat ship."Those smaller ships, designed to operate close to shore in littoral waters, have been plagued by escalating costs, production delays and mechanical problems. Mission modules that give them the flexibility to perform roles including anti-submarine warfare and minesweeping are not ready, even though the first ships have been commissioned.

"That ship is a total disaster," said Norman Polmar, a naval historian,Fashion Dresses analyst and author.Against that backdrop, shipbuilders at Bath Iron Works have been toiling away on the Zumwalt, the first entirely new ship built on the banks of the Kennebec River since the original Arleigh Burke was christened more than 20 years ago.Dan Dowling, president of Local S6, which represents 3,200 shipbuilders, said it's been a challenging project with a new hull design, composite materials and new technology."It is a radical departure from what we've known. Whether the Navy is satisfied with the design of the ship is up to them. We can only build what they asked for Fashion Dresses," he said, adding, "I hope they'll be pleased with it. We'd like to build as many of them as we can."

This year, Modern Family espouses gay marriage and Miley "twerking" Cyrus' Wrecking Ball sells big. But on energy, the U.S. still relies on imports for the same share of its petroleum use: 35%.How different are we? While the nation's social and economic fiber has changed dramatically, including a recent surge in energy production,Fashion Dresses could the oil shock of 40 years ago happen again? Today's continuing dependence suggests, yes, unfortunately, it could.On Oct. 20, 1973, as U.S. oil production stood near its 1970 peak, Arab countries banned oil exports to the United States in retaliation for its support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War. The five-month embargo quadrupled energy prices and pummeled the U.S. economy, causing consumers to wait hours in long lines at gas stations.

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